CRS - Inglewood

CRS - Inglewood
Ground Floor, Unit A/826 Beaufort Street, Inglewood WA 6052
Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 8am to 4pm, otherwise closed
Cardio Respiratory Sleep WA have sleep clinics all around the Perth metro area.

Indeed, sleep tests and sleep therapy are the cornerstone of the care CRS are known for.

sleep clinic near me

Initially, a sleep health questionnaire will determine a course of action best suited to your needs.

Depending on your level of cover, private health patients can expect no-gap cover for in-lab sleep tests. Otherwise, there are bulk billed home-based sleep studies. One can pay for these in full, with Medicare covering the difference. To sum up, this results in a cost of $150, or $120 for pensioners/health card holders.

Worthy of note, CRS sleep laboratories in WA carry ASA and NATA accreditation.

Sleep therapy solutions after diagnosis include:

CPAP trials, support, and equipment

Positional therapy device – discourages sleeping on your back. 7-day trial available


Located right on the corner of Beaufort St. & Sixth Ave. in Inglewood.

sleep clinic near meParking is limited. Some street parking is available on Beaufort St. & Sixth Ave.

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